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February 27, 2008

Still not dead

So we had a few fun days.
I finally started to feel better. Major accomplishment.

We went out to Cilla's family farm on sun and the kids sledded and I snowmobiled and ferried em up the hill and we had an awesome day.
then after dinner I went to get up and my rib that had been hurting from all the coughing went spoing.

I actually felt it, was way down the fun scale since I couldn't breath for 3-4 mins. Didn't break a rib but I lulled the heck out of something. I am ok unless I move wrong then it hurts but if I cough I turn a nice white color and writhe on the ground for a few mins.

So the bed rest I never got? i am now taking it. i am trying real hard to sit my ass on the cough (By sit i mean lay) and stay there. almost imposable but I have been trying hard. and it helps some. heat helps the most though, but wow does it hurt.

Other than that the winter never ends. like never. got 8 inches or so dumped on us last night and more still coming. guess its time i put up some pic's but I have used up my off the couch time for tonight.

February 19, 2008

Yet another great idea

So ok smoking was prob not helping me recover from the bronchitis, pneumonia et all I had, but maybe quiting right now was not the most brilliant idea.

I am no longer coughing, the antibiotics dealt with it, so thats over with. Or well I am now coughing now and then, but not for 45 mins per hour. So I should be doing better right?

Yeah cept this, got a head cold now (WTF) totally plugged up about 90% of the time. Got a pulled muscle in my ribs and one in my back from the coughing... and my throat still feels like it was used as the luge track at the winter games.

I think I was better off smoking.

Now know that I am addicted to smoking and like a rat on a sinking ship I will find a reason why its ok to go just one more day, blah blah.. but we are on day 3? i think and I am fine. Bit irritable (HAHAHA like I am ever not) and feeling like crap but thats the cold. But as to OMG i need one right now, naa im under control. Had a few times I wanted one a bit but the lozenges WORK I can do this.. So I think we should do this next week..

Sounds like a plan right? Anyone want to enable me?? Please?

February 17, 2008


Ok so I havnt been blogging alot, sorry. I still feel like crap.
In reality I guess i really should have let them admit me, but I figured I could relax at home, then we had a major storm and lost power for 24 hrs and well, didnt rest much. But i am getting better just I get so tired so easy. And of course I am quiting smokeing again, figured I might as well feel like crap once rather than twice.

But no worries right? Sigh, I slept for 3 hrs today almost in naps, and right now i can't keep my eyes open. arrggg.. But it gets better doesnt it? Eventually?
Yeah you dont have to answer that, twas retorical

February 11, 2008


The rumors of my living have been grossly exaggerated...

Was sent back to the dr today. Still sick. this time he gave me better stuff in theory and I might get better.

So thats my excuse for not posting.

February 08, 2008


Ok well mostly at least.

Slept in the bed last night for the first time in a few days, and i don't think I kept her up all night. Still coughing, but not continuous anymore mostly.

Not that the medication works that great, but it is a bit of help.

JJ is dating a girl and wants her to come over tomorrow.. no worries, but her sister is coming too.. why? cause she is a twin... My 13 year old is dating twins, man what a way to get that fantasy over with at a young age.. .

I spent 6 hours today doing our taxes my god. Is it supposed to be that hard? Always bums me out this time of year how much more we would get back if we were not married. its alot. EIC alone is like 3k we loose cause we can only count 2 of the kids.

Kids are fed, and now I get to finally sit down. had snow for the third day in a row, getting sick of snowblowing... the piles are taller than me o the side of the driveway.. arrggg.

February 06, 2008

I'm Fine, cough cough cough

So had the lowly tenant over last night for some great stew i made that the kids would not have touched, so I served it when lauren got home and invited Cilly over.. Was amusing, will be way more amusing at some point. One of the drugs they gave me said may cause drowsyness blah blah so I took one last night to see if it was a big deal, often they arnt, well this one was... i dont remember much but I do remember I fell asleep (on the couch again... sigh) in less than 10 secs.. got at a 45 deg angle and went out like a switch.. the drug made me loopy and zonked me off my butt, needless to say i did not take one this morning when i had to drive. But I did once i got home so I expect this will be a bit long winded and might even ramble a bit...

And the weather is playing silly bonkers with us, no snow and we get 5 inches, today snow and so far nothing bit a bit of slush.

Tomorrow I am going to break alot I am sure of postal regulations and mail my Mom a bottle of wine. Found a kit from midwesternsupplies i think it was for a Ice Wine.. and I brewed a batch and it is AWESOME. very sweet but thats what an ice wine is supposed to be.. and since mom brings me my 2nd favorite wine every few years from a winery near her house i figure I owe her a few bottles. Gonna wrap it well and I am sure it will be fine.

In other news, Grace is cute, the twins are getting into trouble and the oldest is surly cause JJ got his XBOX 360 use back with his report card and he didnt.. to bad. And all the letters on the screen are moving now so i guess its time to lay down.

February 05, 2008

F U I'm sick

So I finally got badgered into going to the dr… and they said it was a virus shut up you will be fine.. Oh and you also have bronchitis and pink eye, have a nice day get out.

Did kinda freak em out when I got one letter wrong on the bottom line of the vision test, old but damn I can still see some.

Got all kinds of meds including an inhaler of all freaking things.. Should be interesting to use. So now my eye REALLY itches cause I put the crap in it… why she insisted a cream was better than drops I don’t know, cause it’s a pain in the arse.

Oldest child has been mega attitude, complained about helping with the driveway so I said fine sent the rest of the kids in and said, now its all yours, have fun. Anything that takes even a slight effort is the end of the world, I am going to work the lazy out of him, keeps it up he is going to shovel the front yard just for kicks.

Hmm ok think I am done for today, real deep and insightful post, get over it I am sick..

Reminds me of a joke. My friend Steveo is a tad different at times with humor… and he told me this joke once and at least 1/2 the humor is him telling it.. but it went like this.

So the lion wakes up and stretches real big and says to him self, “I am the king of the jungle I am the best thing around everyone else is crap compared to me”

And he starts his walk, and he see’s a giraffe… So he yells at it “Look at you your so ugly with you tall neck and stupid spots, compared to me you are nothing, I am the king of the jungle I am the best thing around everyone else is crap compared to me”

So he walks a bit more and sees a Hippo. “Look at you with that ugly grey color and all the fat and the big nose, compared to me you are nothing, I am the king of the jungle I am the best thing around everyone else is crap compared to me”

Then he sees a frog and says “Look at you green and ugly with warts you are nothing compared to me, I am the king of the jungle I am the best thing around everyone else is crap compared to me”

And the frog says “Fuck you I have been sick”

Figure it out…

February 04, 2008

Part 2

I am about 45 hours on the negative side of sleep. Everyone got a cold and then after they all were done I got it, now it is a nice sinus infection/ bronchitis/ pneumonia/ I am coughing to death arrggg… so needless to say sleep has been a zero for us both, I get an hour or two here and there but this afternoon I took a NICE nap sitting op right on the couch, you know, me the person who needs complete dark, flat quiet to sleep crashed with kids running around me, over me and a few times under me. No worries the big boys kept an aye on em mostly and how much damage can they do in 30 mins while I am right there… (I would include the broken list but it wasn’t anything important.. I still don’t know why that haven't figured hanging off curtains is a bad plan thought)

My schedule has went from sometimes hectic to very simple. Lauren is now working m-f. To the rest of the world this a good thing, for us it kinda sucks. Basically means I lost my two days/nights working at the shop and fixing things. But we have the weekends all home and that is good, but the income and the time to fix the cars and or anything with shop tools is sorly missed…. And well I worked hard, got real dirty and frustrated A LOT but I enjoyed it a lot too. 5 days a week would be 3 days to many 2 was perfect. It was nice having some time where I could and did swear loudly with out kids around…

I am WAY overdue with pictures for one and all. Got some great ones but I haven't laid em out online yet, so that’s the next project. Honest, I am going to maybe work on it tonight even if not tomorrow unless the wife drags me kicking and screaming to see a dr and well stop dieing on her.

Part 1

I have been bad bad bad about posting. Not even cause I have nothing to say, just have not felt like expressing myself much.

But recently I have been trolling blogs more and well it is only fair if I spend a minute typing now and then.

So a few topics. First off I guess I got to say I really kicked ASS when I found a new tenant for our apartment over the garage. After showing it to 30 people and leasing it TWICE to folks who backed out last minute, one even after signing the lease I found a nice whack job. And I do mean whack job, but she is our kind of whack job so all is well. We have even (Oh my god) socialized with her… on a regular basis no less. I would make her spend some time watching “to the manor born” so she could under stand the upstairs downstairs thing, but darn it we like her. Last night she drove me nuts talking a mile a minute through the important parts of the game (The commercials of course) but it was a family sort of nuts and I only wanted to throw something at her a few times, heck the wife was as bad but I want to live so we wont go there.
We are actually really happy we found her, for the first time in 5 years I have been able to consider actually going away for a weekend with the family cause I would be so comfortable with her taking care of the monsters (dogs though we could prob toss her a kid or two also now that I think of it.)

Ya know what, Ill post more later, going to go snuggle kids and then pack their little butts off to nap time.