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Part 2

I am about 45 hours on the negative side of sleep. Everyone got a cold and then after they all were done I got it, now it is a nice sinus infection/ bronchitis/ pneumonia/ I am coughing to death arrggg… so needless to say sleep has been a zero for us both, I get an hour or two here and there but this afternoon I took a NICE nap sitting op right on the couch, you know, me the person who needs complete dark, flat quiet to sleep crashed with kids running around me, over me and a few times under me. No worries the big boys kept an aye on em mostly and how much damage can they do in 30 mins while I am right there… (I would include the broken list but it wasn’t anything important.. I still don’t know why that haven't figured hanging off curtains is a bad plan thought)

My schedule has went from sometimes hectic to very simple. Lauren is now working m-f. To the rest of the world this a good thing, for us it kinda sucks. Basically means I lost my two days/nights working at the shop and fixing things. But we have the weekends all home and that is good, but the income and the time to fix the cars and or anything with shop tools is sorly missed…. And well I worked hard, got real dirty and frustrated A LOT but I enjoyed it a lot too. 5 days a week would be 3 days to many 2 was perfect. It was nice having some time where I could and did swear loudly with out kids around…

I am WAY overdue with pictures for one and all. Got some great ones but I haven't laid em out online yet, so that’s the next project. Honest, I am going to maybe work on it tonight even if not tomorrow unless the wife drags me kicking and screaming to see a dr and well stop dieing on her.


Thats it. I am getting you some tea and you will drink it and you will like it. >

Welcome to the family, Cilly!
Yes, please make him take care of himself, I think tea is a brilliant suggestion!! Might even have some myself.
Not heard from you guys for a good while.
Damn the Yankees!
I am about to sit on the porch in close to seventy temperature!! Hurray for Va.!!