« I'm Fine, cough cough cough | Main | Hmmmm »


Ok well mostly at least.

Slept in the bed last night for the first time in a few days, and i don't think I kept her up all night. Still coughing, but not continuous anymore mostly.

Not that the medication works that great, but it is a bit of help.

JJ is dating a girl and wants her to come over tomorrow.. no worries, but her sister is coming too.. why? cause she is a twin... My 13 year old is dating twins, man what a way to get that fantasy over with at a young age.. .

I spent 6 hours today doing our taxes my god. Is it supposed to be that hard? Always bums me out this time of year how much more we would get back if we were not married. its alot. EIC alone is like 3k we loose cause we can only count 2 of the kids.

Kids are fed, and now I get to finally sit down. had snow for the third day in a row, getting sick of snowblowing... the piles are taller than me o the side of the driveway.. arrggg.


Hey - could you lend me a couple kids for when I do my taxes? Try to be DINKS ... I usually have to pay into the state. Grr. Do you think I could claim Destiny?

P.S - glad to hear you are feeling better.... I could use a break from the whining... ;P

being sick sucks

glad you are on the mend!