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Ok so I havnt been blogging alot, sorry. I still feel like crap.
In reality I guess i really should have let them admit me, but I figured I could relax at home, then we had a major storm and lost power for 24 hrs and well, didnt rest much. But i am getting better just I get so tired so easy. And of course I am quiting smokeing again, figured I might as well feel like crap once rather than twice.

But no worries right? Sigh, I slept for 3 hrs today almost in naps, and right now i can't keep my eyes open. arrggg.. But it gets better doesnt it? Eventually?
Yeah you dont have to answer that, twas retorical


WOW! What are you sick with?!

Does it help to say I am proud of you for quitting? I know how difficult it is... and I will try to be less annoying for ya.. (not a promise.. just an attempt.. lol)