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Yet another great idea

So ok smoking was prob not helping me recover from the bronchitis, pneumonia et all I had, but maybe quiting right now was not the most brilliant idea.

I am no longer coughing, the antibiotics dealt with it, so thats over with. Or well I am now coughing now and then, but not for 45 mins per hour. So I should be doing better right?

Yeah cept this, got a head cold now (WTF) totally plugged up about 90% of the time. Got a pulled muscle in my ribs and one in my back from the coughing... and my throat still feels like it was used as the luge track at the winter games.

I think I was better off smoking.

Now know that I am addicted to smoking and like a rat on a sinking ship I will find a reason why its ok to go just one more day, blah blah.. but we are on day 3? i think and I am fine. Bit irritable (HAHAHA like I am ever not) and feeling like crap but thats the cold. But as to OMG i need one right now, naa im under control. Had a few times I wanted one a bit but the lozenges WORK I can do this.. So I think we should do this next week..

Sounds like a plan right? Anyone want to enable me?? Please?


Dont you dare light up. The first 3 days are the worst. You dont want to have to go through another first 3 days do you!? And I was sick as a dog when I quit - and I lived through it. You dont want me to tease you relentlessly the rest of your days because you are the weaker one??? :P

Right, and I'll start my diet tomor-- er, Monday.

Is with Shelley on that one. =)

I quit cold turkey about 9 1/2 years ago. Harder than hell but sssoooo worth it in the long run. Just think about how much money you'll save!!!

Hang in there!!