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Still not dead

So we had a few fun days.
I finally started to feel better. Major accomplishment.

We went out to Cilla's family farm on sun and the kids sledded and I snowmobiled and ferried em up the hill and we had an awesome day.
then after dinner I went to get up and my rib that had been hurting from all the coughing went spoing.

I actually felt it, was way down the fun scale since I couldn't breath for 3-4 mins. Didn't break a rib but I lulled the heck out of something. I am ok unless I move wrong then it hurts but if I cough I turn a nice white color and writhe on the ground for a few mins.

So the bed rest I never got? i am now taking it. i am trying real hard to sit my ass on the cough (By sit i mean lay) and stay there. almost imposable but I have been trying hard. and it helps some. heat helps the most though, but wow does it hurt.

Other than that the winter never ends. like never. got 8 inches or so dumped on us last night and more still coming. guess its time i put up some pic's but I have used up my off the couch time for tonight.


Still not convinced it wasnt your dare-devil snowmobile riding that popped your ribs.. but (eyeroll) what-evah... :-)

It was a really fun day though - we will have to do it again (considering winter will be around for a looooong time)