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January 03, 2008

Happy New Year!!!!

Wow, 2008 already. I feel like I blinked and missed 2007. I mean a lot happened in the last year but seriously it went by way too quickly. I have so much to say and way not enough time to type it all but I will try.

In the end of November we finally got a new tenant for our apartment that we rent. Her name is Cilly. Yes, Cilly. Yes it is short for something! =) Anyhow, she is going through a really rough time right now. And it turns out that she is really a great person and we have pretty much adopted her. She spent Christmas Eve with us, getting completely knackered on wine and beer while wrapping Christmas presents. She also spent New Year's Eve with us ringing in the New Year and toasting new beginnings. Basically she is one of the family now. We think we will keep her. =)

This year we celebrated Hanukkah. That's right the Pagan and the Relaxed Agnostic ::I had atheist but HE complained about it LOL:: celebrated Hanukkah. The kids learned about it in school and all received a Driedel. I have a friend at work who is Jewish and she celebrated the Holiday with us. Granted we did it all in one night not over eight nights. But honestly, I think we are going to be incorporating it into our seasonal festivities from now on. I have developed a huge addiction to potato latkes which my husband made from scratch thankyouverymuch. Oh man they were so good with maple syrup. I made a delicious brisket. We lit the Menorah and all had a really good time. Needless to say the kids want to do it all over again next year. =)

Christmas this year was great. Well honestly, it is always great. I don't feel like I was really able to get into the Christmas spirit this year and I am aching to take the tree down. The kids made me promise to keep it up to the end of the week. Well, guess what? Tomorrow is Friday baby and that sucker is coming down! I am so glad it's over. Really I am. But it was a nice Christmas none the less. The kids didn't get everything they wanted but they got enough to make them happy. Chuck and I are seriously considering of going with a less is more kind of thing for next year. I said we were thinking about it. Stop laughing! =)

During the fall my mother sent a package full of girly things for Gracie and some videos for the boys. One was V3ggie T@les and the other was a DVD by M@x Luc@do. At the end of the movie is a little song that darn near breaks my heart every time I hear it. I have had the song stuck in my head for two days now and I just love it. It is completely Eli's song. From us to him. It just really is so sweet:
I like you I love you
I want all to see
Without you Eli
There would be no me
I wish I had a symphony
But my symphony is me.
It really is so sweet. I wish I could find the song online so everyone could hear it but unfortunately I can't. But take my word for it, it is really sweet.

Today Miss Grace was not feeling well so I gave her some meds that completely knocked her on her bum. She crawled up into my lap and promptly fell asleep. She slept for an hour and a half. Good snuggle time for me plus a bit of a cat nap in there. Well the wind was blowing something fierce today and it blew open the front door while I was snoozing with Gracie on the couch. Zachary got up to close the door and came back in and said, "WHEW it's a good thing I was here to protect you and Gracie mom. I closed the door." My little hero. I swear my kids find new and different ways to amaze me every dang day.

Ahh my husband. Really my husband. There aren't many traits that a woman would kill for that a man has but his finger nails. Holy cow those suckers are STRONG and long. He keeps his nails long because he had TSS when he was younger and his fingertips are extremely sensitive. Well I hate his nails. They are seriously strong. It never ceases to amaze how a man was blessed strong nails that a woman would absolutely murder for. So his come naturally? Mine? Brittle and frail. I now am sporting a lovely set of nails. Yes I had to pay for them, but dayum they look good. Side bonus? I took Gracie to the nail salon with me and she got her fingernails painted as well. She is now flashing nails in a sassy sparkly purple. I thought Chuck was going to faint flat out. Oh man it was great! =)

We have been getting dumped on with snow and I do mean dumped on. We got about eight inches on New Year's Eve and then another 8-10 on New Year's Day. Fun times, fun times. Not. But the kids have been loving it. Right now they are in the middle of making a HUGE snow cave that they are SURE is going to get them to the North Pole to visit S@nt@. Uh huh keep digging. =)

I recently applied for a new position at work and it is not only a new position but it is a leadership position. I got it and I am so excited. The hours are going to take a very efficient ballet between Chuck and I to make it work but hopefully we will be able to make it work. So we start the new year with new expectations, new hopes and dreams.

So here is to the start of a brand New Year! I hope it brings you peace and happiness.

Happy New Year!!!!