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I'm Fine, cough cough cough

So had the lowly tenant over last night for some great stew i made that the kids would not have touched, so I served it when lauren got home and invited Cilly over.. Was amusing, will be way more amusing at some point. One of the drugs they gave me said may cause drowsyness blah blah so I took one last night to see if it was a big deal, often they arnt, well this one was... i dont remember much but I do remember I fell asleep (on the couch again... sigh) in less than 10 secs.. got at a 45 deg angle and went out like a switch.. the drug made me loopy and zonked me off my butt, needless to say i did not take one this morning when i had to drive. But I did once i got home so I expect this will be a bit long winded and might even ramble a bit...

And the weather is playing silly bonkers with us, no snow and we get 5 inches, today snow and so far nothing bit a bit of slush.

Tomorrow I am going to break alot I am sure of postal regulations and mail my Mom a bottle of wine. Found a kit from midwesternsupplies i think it was for a Ice Wine.. and I brewed a batch and it is AWESOME. very sweet but thats what an ice wine is supposed to be.. and since mom brings me my 2nd favorite wine every few years from a winery near her house i figure I owe her a few bottles. Gonna wrap it well and I am sure it will be fine.

In other news, Grace is cute, the twins are getting into trouble and the oldest is surly cause JJ got his XBOX 360 use back with his report card and he didnt.. to bad. And all the letters on the screen are moving now so i guess its time to lay down.


Will you please have some tea with that whine?

Gotta drink your fluids, don'tchaknow?