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May 31, 2007

Oh we are SO going! =)

Email I received from Chuck last night concerning the Maine Fiber Frolic being held next month:

From: Chuck Pierce [chuck@xxxxxxxxxx.com]
Sent: Wed 5/30/2007 8:16 PM
To: Pierce, Laur.....
Subject: sigh


No. its to far. must we? Its a long ways. I really don't want to. Its
a long drive. Please don't make me. Gas is expensive. Its a busy
weekend. Sigh.

Just figured i would cover my 1/2 of the conversation now.

He doesn't really think that is going to work does he? =)

May 28, 2007

For those before, now and who come after.

memorial day.jpg

For those who fought before, for those who are fighting now, and for those who will fight in our future to keep us free.
Never forget, they fight for us and our Country.

May 21, 2007

Zooo update with pics

Pissing me off is usually a pretty bad plan. The rooster has been attacking me only when I am walking away for a bit now. I was going to just wring his neck, but we are trying a different tact.

Now I just laugh at him.

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The chicks are doing fine and growing daily. The Araucarias are being very hand trained…

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All the new birds got together for a few mins the other day.. so you can see how they have grown..

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The twits signed up for Kinder the other day, and I got pics.. One with his nametag on, the other with a flower… Sigh. Why do the words alternate lifestyles come to mind…

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Ok I’m done doing pics, it’s a pain in the butt.

May 16, 2007

Mother's Day and other adventures

Last year for Mother's Day I was given a very pretty yellow rose bush. It was of course meant to withstand the frigid Maine weather we get. That being said, we didn't plant it in the ground. We planted it in a very nice pot. Which of course left it to my mercy. Have I ever mentioned that Chuck has a green thumb? He does. His father was a Master Gardener and Chuck has inherited that gift. He doesn't like it mind you but the man can make anything grow much to my disgust. Me? Black thumb. I can kill the ivy that you put a cutting of in a glass of water and leave it alone. Oh yeah, I can kill it. Although to give me some credit, I have managed to keep one alive for the past month. So far, so good. Keep your fingers crossed for the ivy, folks. Oops, what does this have to do with Mother's day? Well this past winter I brought in said yellow rose because I thought it was too cold. I shocked it and the sucker died on me. Well hell. Who knew that going from -10 outside to 78 inside ::because I put it in the kitchen where the wood stove is:: would kill it? Apparently everyone but me. Oops. This year? I was given a glorious lavender/purple rose bush that was planted in the back garden to "protect it from you" I was told. What's he trying to tell me? Gee, I wonder. So I got a beautiful rose bush, a nice painting hand made by a certain eight year old and a very nice corsage. Not to mention the assorted hugs and kisses from everyone. I did have to work later on that day but it was all in all a nice day.

Yesterday we went and registered the younger boys for kindergarten. Whoa, take two. Kindergarten? When did that happen? Wasn't it just yesterday they were one and running around finding ways to gang up on me. Wait, they still do that. But still. School? Already? Damn, I don't know if I am ready for it. On the one hand, oh hell yes I am ready. On the other? School? Aren't they a little young? ~sigh~ Obviously not. I think it is funny that they call it kindergarten screening but that is essentially what they do. There weren't any surprises. We were pretty sure about what the teachers/evaluation team was going to say. Zach was a little miffed. He thought he was going to get to play with more toys. Welcome to the beginning of your academic career there Bud. =) So, we have one in high school, one in junior high, one in elementary and two about to start kinder. When did I get so old? Then again, those teachers and administrators are going to be SO tired of us before it is all said and done!! As I have told one of the school psychologists that said some thing that I wasn't please with, "I have six kids going through this school system, you are going to be dealing with me for a long time whether you like it or not." =) But Kindergarten? ~sigh~ Wow.

Granny~ Thank you for calling this morning. It was, as always, a treat to talk to you! I am glad everything is going well. Send D our best. =)

On the computer front, we have a friend wiping my computer and reinstalling the operating system. I knew it was bad when he asked, "Is there anything on here you are going to miss?" DAMN. All my knitting patterns that I had saved on there! Double Damn! Lucky for us ::knocks on wood:: all our pictures are saved on Chuck's computer. For now I have confiscated the laptop. ~mutters~

May 13, 2007

More chicks

So I have been searching for new chicks for days.
Well a week or 3 actually.

But for some reason no one had any, I was looking for Araucana Chicks. They are the ones that lay Blue eggs.

Just cause I thought it would be cool to have some.

Well I finally found some today and now we have 4 more chicks and get to do the inside chicks thing for a few more weeks. Sigh.

But damn are they cute.

Our other three chicks are now outside full time and in the hen house. They have some protection from the big ones still though, but that should only last an other week or so.

Other than that things here on the farm are fine.

May 11, 2007


So, let me set up the scene okay?

Chuck has a Mac. Even I, a straight PC gal, think his computer is a bad ass. Seriously. It is a bad ass computer. That being said, I have an HP. I like my little HP. It used to be his that he bought to play a game. Yes, my husband, pre marriage days, bought a computer simply because he wanted a game that would only run on a PC. Ok, I'm over it. =)

So, the 16 year old and I share my PC. Fine, whatever right? We both love playing Di@blo II. He checks his email, yaks on A1M, and checks out his buddies on My Sp@ce. Again, whatever. But then at Christmas he got a laptop from my sister. It was hers when she was in college etc. Within a month and a half he had that sucker so infected with virii that we still haven't fixed it and believe me I have tried. Short of wiping it. Which I am going to end up doing. So, after the lecture of some sites are bad even if they do say free games, blah blah blah etc, ::::You are wondering where this is going huh?::: he started puttering around on my computer. Fine whatever right? WRONG. This morning I logged into my computer and it won't let me do diddly squat. I can't get into the folders ON the computer, I can open a browser but within two minutes the whole system freezes. Needless to say I am a wee bit pissed. There I said it, I am pissed. Livid to be exact. I am thinking eternal servitude here. I can already hear the excuses.

Skipping to another topic altogether, there are ALWAYS excuses. Nothing is EVER his fault. GAH. This teen angst is hard and it's ticking me off. He argues about every freaking thing, yet wants us to bend over backwards to kiss his butt. Uh, yah right. Everything with him is gimme gimme gimme and he deoesn't seem to think that is a problem. I know, he is 16, he is supposed to be self centered, but dang I think he takes it to the extreme. You ask him to do something?? All you get back is back talk and attitude. I'm thinking military boot camp. ~evil grin~

Bah, I am just irritated. I can't use my computer, have to use Chuck's which has none of my bookmarks and what not. Email everything. And the arguement he tossed at me this morning when he was asked to do one simple thing just GAH! I know I know, he is a teenager, this is how they are. But dang it, that doesn't make it any easier when having to deal with it.

So? What are you doing with your weekend? I am going to hopefully get the front gardens cleaned up and looking pretty. =) Happy Weekend!

PS~two nights ago I paid 2.96 for gas, last night coming home from work it was at 3.01 ~shaking head~ Outrageous.

May 10, 2007

More chicks, less roosters

So we have a rooster. His name is Marshmellow.

Or well might want to start using the past tense since I think I am going to kill him.

Sad to have to take out one of our chickens and he is a glorious bird, but he also has gotten VERY aggressive, towards me mostly. Or well almost only, but I am sick of not being able to turn my back with out him attacking me. And he might go after one of the kids so I really don’t see any other options. He also is beating the crap out of a few of the hens and they are not brooding so no point in keeping him.

Maybe we will get an other chick and let it grow up and see if it has more sense.

I went out to get some chicks today, we want to add a few more (when I say we, its totally me…) and I really think it would be neat to get some Araucana’s.. they are the ones with colored eggs. And I think that would just be fun.

And well buying chick rather than hatching them is a bit of a pain, but since they are about 1$ each it is not exactly expensive.

But the chicks hadn’t came in yet so maybe tomorrow.

Oh and Alex lost a tooth today, he is SOO excited.

May 09, 2007


Last night on the way home from work I needed to stop and put gasoline in my car. 37.74$ Almost forty bucks to fill up my car people. AND? I don't drive a truck. I drive a Camry!!! A Camry for pities sake! Just shoot my now. I wonder if there is going to come a time when it is actually going to be too expensive for people to drive to work. Seriously. $37.74. I was actually cringing watching the numbers fly by on the gas pump. Ugh.

May 07, 2007

Red Letter Day

So big day in two respects. One Zach got to play outside alone for the first time.
After a lecture from Dad about what he can and can not do and so forth.

And I am watching him like a hawk still.

And the chicks are moving into the big pen tonight.

I set it up so they have some space only they can get to, and food and water the big ones can’t touch. The big problem will be getting them in I have a feeling. They are not quite smart enough to know they are supposed to go back there yet.

And they are still scared of the big chickens, I swear they think they are ducks.

So fun day for all, nice day for outside time and the kids wore them selves down a bit I think.

And I did 50 more chores, that narrows it to bout 50k left to do.

May 06, 2007


My father was a very interesting guy.

He showed more affection for his lawnmower than us kids when we got older, fine no worries, that was his way. But he always was interested in meeting any girl I would bring home. He was always very nice cracked the same jokes and called them all Sam.

Not really sure why Sam, but that is what he called em all. We came VERY close to naming HRH Sam because of it, or well I did. The anniversary of his death was a few days ago and its interesting. If he was alive I doubt we would have seen Granny as much as we did (she never visits any more) but I am positive he would have REALLY enjoyed the kids (in small doses mind you). The wife sometimes frets over the my kids our kids stuff, mainly cause some people are very rude about only having an interest in the last two. But I know Dad would just delight in HRH and the twits. Alex would follow him like a puppy in the garden and think he was the greatest thing ever.

I really look back at my weird and convoluted life and about the only regret is Dad did not get to see his namesake and the rest of the mob. I still see his Eyes in Eli now and then and figure he is with us at least in part.

I have taken lately to cuddling with HRH and saying “I want to hug you and kiss you and call you Sam” and she always corrects me with I am not Sam, I am Gracie.

RIP Dad, and now I know why you and mom ate the damn ducks.

The sky is falling...

Chickens (and teenagers) are mind numbingly stupid at times.

I have my sprinkler going in the back yard. The chickens wander into the reach of its water and all start to beeline for the porch cause it is raining, get 1/2 way there, and Magic, the rain stopped. Wander back and OMG its raining again… Repeat for 30 mins or so.

Almost like a teenager, “I have to do the dishes?” yeah you have done em every night for a year but today magic happened and they cleaned themselves.. Arrgggg.

Or a darling baby girl who started to cry when she was getting her hair washed tonight cause she just does not like it, and then listen while daddy explained that every time you pour tomato soup on your head your hair get washed…

Oh well, at least the twits haven't actually broken any thing since about 3. Progress.

Thank you sir may I have another?

Well that was a long day but just what I needed I think.

Doubled the chicken coop yesterday, still have to make the roosting box and make the roof more watertight than plywood, but other than that its about done.

Last few weeks I have been getting prob 3 hours a night of actual sleep. Rest coughing and so on and just not feeling well. Last night I fell asleep on the couch at 7:30. I missed putting the kids to bed. And Wow. They are not exactly quiet, Putting the kids down is a highpoint and we have a routine we follow and it involves lots of hugs and kisses and so forth. And conversations and lectures and well all that stuff. I am sure I was jumped on at least once or twice before they went upstairs but I was dead to the world. Didn’t even cough. Then finally woke up at 10 ish, we went upstairs and I went right out again till 6 am and her royal highness singing me a song. Not well mind you but she was singing and the word Dad was prominent.

So it was about time for the cold to break, and looks like a day outside did the trick. And the chicken house looks better too. An other day or two of cleanup, building the roosting pit and painting oh yeah and the pesky roof and we should be all done for a bit. And then I have to figure a way to make the duck house more cleanable. They are the messiest creatures in the world. I think SHE should clean it out for a few years so SHE will listen when I say, um, no ducks.

Ok pics will be forthcoming soon. Least in theory. Its on my list. And if I ache to much today I might come in and play computer.. then again I might roll on the floor with the monsters.. never know.

May 05, 2007

Is this thing on?

Ok I do believe I am back in the world of the living. I think. It depends on the time of day. Of couse I haven't been sleeping worth a damn and so am exhausted. Have I mentioned how much I hate being sick?
We all seem to be on the mend finally and I am so ready for warm weather I can almost taste it!

Chuck has decided to redo the chicken house today ::and he says my ducks are a pain the butt:: so that should occupy him pretty much for the rest of the day. I would like nothing more then to jsut sllllllllleeeeeeeeeep but there is so much to do around here. ~sigh~ Nothing makes housework pile up like being sick but it looks like it is going to be a glorious day. Have a great Saturday! =)

May 02, 2007

Happy Happy Joy Joy

It's five in the morning and we are both up. Why? Because we are both sick, he can't sleep because he keeps having coughing fits. And I can't sleep because everytime I swallow it feels like my throat is on fire. We have both been up pretty much all night getting in snips of sleep here in there. Oh dey lawd today is going to be a long long day. Zach, Eli and Grace all have coughs. I guess we are going to get to make the rounds to the doctor today. ~sigh~ All of us. Bah.

Sleeeeep I just want to slleeeeep. OK I give up, I am going back to bed to sleep for ten minutes at a time and mutter to myself about how much I HATE being sick. ~mutters~

May 01, 2007

Happy Ono de mayo

Ok well i am amused by the title.. but then I figures out what cinco de mayo meant like 3 years ago....

Quiet day, kids are playing board games... Not alot going on and I am doing odd chores around the house and annoying people online. great fun.


I have gone pretty much the whole year, as in fall, winter, most of Spring without so much as a damn sniffle!

This morning? I woke up with a sore throat and I feel like doggy doo. Damnit. ~sigh~ I hate being sick. Now? I have to be sick? I could have handled it when it was negative 10 out and icy. That is when you are supposed to be sick. But now? ~grumble~ It's all Chuck's fault, he is sick right now. I KNOW he gave it to me. When in doubt? Blame the husband.

Oh? Wanna have fun? Tell Chuck the full moon is tomorrow night. He seems to think my moods and the full moon tend to coincide. ~rolls eyes~ Can't imagine whatEVER gave him that idea. *heh*

To top it off the three little ones are having a "HE LOOKED AT ME" day. I have half a mind to sit them in a circle and make them watch eachother until lunch time because I am JUST that evil! =)