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April 30, 2007

Farm Central

So another fun weekend. Nice to have babies in the house again, shame they all have feathers though. Built a duck house for the ducklings Sat. Used the original chicken coop, that was modified for a dog house, has now been modified again to a duck house.

The little buggers are cute I have to admit, but they are SOOO MESSY. The 3 chicks inside are not nearly as messy, almost clean in fact. And they are growing so fast it is incredible. You can see a difference each morning.

The ducks are now outside and the chicks spend the nights inside. Boy are they excited to see each other in the morning. The big chickens are not that impressed, they pretty much ignore the whole group.

Amusing to hear the parakeets try and talk to the chickens though.

Ok that’s enough from farm central.

The Birthday Boy

On April 22nd we had a birthday around here. I know, what month don't we have birthdays right? =) Actually it is easier to list what months we don't as opposed to what months we do, but that is besides the point.

Anyhow~Zach turned five. FIVE. I cannot believe it. Seriously FIVE! As in he starts school next year ::does cart wheels:: and is starting to think for himself! How in the heck did this happen? FIVE! I suppose we won't mention that the oldest is going to be 17 this summer. I am in complete denial about that. So back to Zach, FIVE.

Here is a pic of the birthday boy on his bike which he got for his birthday. Upon seeing said bike he exclaimed "SWEET!!" and told me later when we were out riding it that he looks, "SO cool on my bike mom!" ~sigh~I feel old.


Holy chit! Tomorrow is going to be MAY already!

As for this new blog. We mostly wanted a blog that we could give to family and friends that live out of state so that we could keep in touch and have pictures up for them to see. We've had this domain for over a year a had done not a darn thing with it. So with that, here we are! =)

April 29, 2007

Okay then

Comments working: Check
New Site design: check
Sanity level: Out the damn window
Should prove interesting. =)

