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More chicks

So I have been searching for new chicks for days.
Well a week or 3 actually.

But for some reason no one had any, I was looking for Araucana Chicks. They are the ones that lay Blue eggs.

Just cause I thought it would be cool to have some.

Well I finally found some today and now we have 4 more chicks and get to do the inside chicks thing for a few more weeks. Sigh.

But damn are they cute.

Our other three chicks are now outside full time and in the hen house. They have some protection from the big ones still though, but that should only last an other week or so.

Other than that things here on the farm are fine.


Happy Mother's Day to Lauren! xoxo

I'd give anything to be able to have "chicks" running my yard! Take care of your birds~!