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Is this thing on?

Ok I do believe I am back in the world of the living. I think. It depends on the time of day. Of couse I haven't been sleeping worth a damn and so am exhausted. Have I mentioned how much I hate being sick?
We all seem to be on the mend finally and I am so ready for warm weather I can almost taste it!

Chuck has decided to redo the chicken house today ::and he says my ducks are a pain the butt:: so that should occupy him pretty much for the rest of the day. I would like nothing more then to jsut sllllllllleeeeeeeeeep but there is so much to do around here. ~sigh~ Nothing makes housework pile up like being sick but it looks like it is going to be a glorious day. Have a great Saturday! =)


Glad you, and the family, are on the mend.

Ditto Daisy's comment. If you have some extra sun could you send it my way in Ohio? Really gloomy here.