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More chicks, less roosters

So we have a rooster. His name is Marshmellow.

Or well might want to start using the past tense since I think I am going to kill him.

Sad to have to take out one of our chickens and he is a glorious bird, but he also has gotten VERY aggressive, towards me mostly. Or well almost only, but I am sick of not being able to turn my back with out him attacking me. And he might go after one of the kids so I really don’t see any other options. He also is beating the crap out of a few of the hens and they are not brooding so no point in keeping him.

Maybe we will get an other chick and let it grow up and see if it has more sense.

I went out to get some chicks today, we want to add a few more (when I say we, its totally me…) and I really think it would be neat to get some Araucana’s.. they are the ones with colored eggs. And I think that would just be fun.

And well buying chick rather than hatching them is a bit of a pain, but since they are about 1$ each it is not exactly expensive.

But the chicks hadn’t came in yet so maybe tomorrow.

Oh and Alex lost a tooth today, he is SOO excited.


I thought of you this morning. My daughter's day care has two chicks they've raised and are trying to find a good home for. They've found a home for the three ducks but not the chicks. Can you keep the rooster in a separate area/pen?

I could but I dont need him for breeding and he is a chicken. i would just eat him but the wife goes a bit nuts over named things being dinner..