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My father was a very interesting guy.

He showed more affection for his lawnmower than us kids when we got older, fine no worries, that was his way. But he always was interested in meeting any girl I would bring home. He was always very nice cracked the same jokes and called them all Sam.

Not really sure why Sam, but that is what he called em all. We came VERY close to naming HRH Sam because of it, or well I did. The anniversary of his death was a few days ago and its interesting. If he was alive I doubt we would have seen Granny as much as we did (she never visits any more) but I am positive he would have REALLY enjoyed the kids (in small doses mind you). The wife sometimes frets over the my kids our kids stuff, mainly cause some people are very rude about only having an interest in the last two. But I know Dad would just delight in HRH and the twits. Alex would follow him like a puppy in the garden and think he was the greatest thing ever.

I really look back at my weird and convoluted life and about the only regret is Dad did not get to see his namesake and the rest of the mob. I still see his Eyes in Eli now and then and figure he is with us at least in part.

I have taken lately to cuddling with HRH and saying “I want to hug you and kiss you and call you Sam” and she always corrects me with I am not Sam, I am Gracie.

RIP Dad, and now I know why you and mom ate the damn ducks.


Being someone who was raised in an orphanage and foster homes, I envy you your memories.

I have a Mom & Dad (foster parents I met as a teen-ager) whom my kids call Nanny and Grandboom. I rememeber the day my "Dad" held my oldest son. One of my single greatest memories.

My Mom & Dad are still living, but I only get to see them 1 or 2 times a year as they live far away.

Family is the only thing that is truly ours and can never really be taken away. We can chose to give it away, but it can't be taken from us.

Enjoy your memories... and HRH "Sam" :)

"Lest we forget"

BTW, I understand why he called them all Sam... I have 3 son's. I can't keep the names of any of their girlfriends straight.. I think I am giong to start calling them all Sam or something like that ;)

I know your father would have loved the kids, all of them!!
I know I need, and want to come north sometime again soon. I was up three times last year, I thought you wanted a break!! Maybe later in the year!!