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Thank you sir may I have another?

Well that was a long day but just what I needed I think.

Doubled the chicken coop yesterday, still have to make the roosting box and make the roof more watertight than plywood, but other than that its about done.

Last few weeks I have been getting prob 3 hours a night of actual sleep. Rest coughing and so on and just not feeling well. Last night I fell asleep on the couch at 7:30. I missed putting the kids to bed. And Wow. They are not exactly quiet, Putting the kids down is a highpoint and we have a routine we follow and it involves lots of hugs and kisses and so forth. And conversations and lectures and well all that stuff. I am sure I was jumped on at least once or twice before they went upstairs but I was dead to the world. Didn’t even cough. Then finally woke up at 10 ish, we went upstairs and I went right out again till 6 am and her royal highness singing me a song. Not well mind you but she was singing and the word Dad was prominent.

So it was about time for the cold to break, and looks like a day outside did the trick. And the chicken house looks better too. An other day or two of cleanup, building the roosting pit and painting oh yeah and the pesky roof and we should be all done for a bit. And then I have to figure a way to make the duck house more cleanable. They are the messiest creatures in the world. I think SHE should clean it out for a few years so SHE will listen when I say, um, no ducks.

Ok pics will be forthcoming soon. Least in theory. Its on my list. And if I ache to much today I might come in and play computer.. then again I might roll on the floor with the monsters.. never know.