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And an other year goes by..


Its gonna snow today, and the term crapload has been used a few times. Great fun.

The chickens were pissed and out of water this morning, well they had water but since it was in the form of ice, they were not pleased. And when chickens have no water they don’t lay eggs, the chincy buggers.

So today’s list included doing a lot of stuff outside I should have done when it was warm but I didn’t do cause I was to lazy and or busy doing other things. Guess the chicken house needed a heater huh.

Might also be a good plan to clean up the yard and stuff while we can still see what is there. At least I think all 3 snow blowers are running good, but I won’t really know till I blow some snow with em. I have 3 all old and tired but every fall I haul em to the shop and get em all running good and by spring at least one is still running usually. Not the best system, but I have about $50.00 in all three including yearly parts so beats the heck out of getting plowed at 50$ a whack.

So. Few more days till our anniversary. Sitting here I really do not know how many years it has been, I actually have to count. Sad but not sad. It has in the cosmic way of things only been a short time, but it feels like forever and in a good way. And except for the bimonthly full moons where the wife just goes mental for a few days she is the best thing ever.

Kids are so SO SO busy getting into things and bugging each other at times it is mind boggling. But they could be worse. In other words they are kids.

Ok well done my post a month I guess.. Amazing to look back at my life years ago and what it is now. Just amazing.


You're alive! I wondered if you were sent to live out back in the chicken coup ; )

Pffft only during the Full Moon ~wink~

So how much snow did you get total from the storm? Did the kids enjoy their day off?

10 or so, and blew up one snowblower...

yeah they trashed the house and our sanity...

Blew up one snowblower?! Yeow! It's only the first snow!