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I don't want to play anymore.......

You know there are days when I swear I want to run away to Ireland, live in a castle with someone that strikes a STRONG resemblance to Bl@ke Shelton who will feed me bon bons and make sure my tiara is always on straight and the big bonus? No kids. ~gasp~ Oh the horror. Yeah, today? I don't want to play anymore. I want to take my crayons and go home. I am usually really low key when it comes to the kids. It takes A LOT for them to get to me. Unless of course you are my husband then all you have to do is breathe in the same room I am in. ~grin~

Want to know how my day with the kids has gone so far?

~Grace and Eli have decided that I don't feed them enough and felt the need to sneak into the kitchen to steal apples and then hide in a corner to partake of their booty~ What is it with them? I hate that they act like they don't get fed and instead of asking for an apple they sneak into the kitchen for one.

~Zachary, mad because his brother won't give him something decides to chuck a toy across the room making it bounce off the window. Yes bounce, lucky for me it didn't break the window. He got sent to his room.~His response at being sent to his room? Scream at the top of his lungs that no one loves him, I am never fair with him and he wants one more chance.

~I receive a letter from the high school letting me know in their lovely "We regret to inform you" tone that the eldest is in danger of failing for the year.~ Uh hello, we aren't even done with the first semester yet. Great. No matter what you tell the kid, he knows better and every damn thing. All I can say is, No more summer school for you bucko. Sucks to be you.

~JJ decides to stay after school but neglects to let me know. Granted he came home on the late bus, but would it kill him to make a freaking phone call to let me know?~ Seriously, can I have some common courtesy please? With a glass of wine to wash it down? If you are going to be late, freaking call!

~Alex has just been in my face all damn afternoon. Can I? Will you? Did I? May I?~ *Throws hands up in the air* Oh my gawd just leave me be for a bit!

Little people all around me!! ARGH!!!!

Not only am I taking my crayons but I am taking my ball too. Ya'll can sink or swim without me. ~sigh~ My kingdom for some "me" time. ~kicks rocks~


Yeow! I thought one child was putting me over the edge! I don't know how you do it! ; )

What motel would you like to spend the weekend in?