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T. Fairy

We have a ritual for every night when I get home. First I go into Her Highness' bedroom and tuck her in then we wander up to wake up Z and E for mid night potty break and I go and give A a hug and a smooch. That being a pretty much every night sort of thing, I think A has pretty much trained himself to a be a light sleeper for around the time of night because he is usually hard to wake up. So what do I do with a kid that is a light sleeper when he has lost a tooth and is expecting a monetary gift for said tooth? This is my solution:

Dearest Alexander~
I am sorry I didn't leave your treat under your pillow. Bruce and Abby wanted to play with my wings! :) Congratulations on losing your tooth! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year. If you see Santa, please tell him I said hello.

T. Fairy

I am freaking brilliant. If I was smart I would have put a line in there about brushing and flossing your teeth but hey it was eleven o'clock at night and you are lucky I spelled everything correctly! =)

I cannot believe it is already the 11th of December! I blink and lose yet another day. Yes, last week was our anniversary and what can I say? These last few years have been amazing and I wouldn't trade a single moment. Well, maybe the time I fell down the stairs but really, ouch! =) I have come to think of my husband as one of those chocolates you get in the assorted chocolate boxes. He has a really hard crunchy outside but his has a sweet gooey inside, and he is REALLY good at hiding that gooey inside. =) What can I say, I love him.

Ok gotta get a kid out to the bus, in 17 degree weather. ~sigh~ I love winters in Maine. ~sigh~


Nice move with the tooth fairy note! As for the cold - if you get a chance, I posted some pictures on my site of the ice storm we have been battling.

Haha, no, you can still call me tadpole -- after all, I'm *not* old yet!

Glad to see you're still hanging in there with those monsters -- holy cow, #1 is tall!

What? No posts about the day I graced you with my presense?