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So, we received Flushed Away through N3tFlix yesterday. Chuck doesn't usually watch the kids movies with us and every time he tries he gets frustrated because the kids won't sit still and shush. Our kids quiet? Yes I know, it's shocking. =)

Anyhow, I got home last night and he was watching it upstairs in our room. While I was getting ready for bed, washing my face, potty break ::TMI::, and what not, this is our conversation:

Him: I really like Rita. She's kind of cute.
Me: Uhm, okay.
Him: AND she is a red head! ::He has this thing for red heads ~shrugs~ No I don't get it either.::::
Me: Well there you go honey!!! Too bad she is claymation. ~chuckles~
He gets quiet for just a second, and then you hear kind of quietly:

"I like her pants"


Help me.

Stay tuned for pictures of a VERY pink cake and VERY pink presents later on! Today is La Princessa Grace's birthday. Three years old already. How in the hell did that happen? Oh and to make Chuck whimper, all you have to say is, "Hey honey, Grace is three!" =)


OMG! Wow! It has been three years already?!?!?!? Boy, how time files! I sure hope she has a great day! :-)

Hey.. here is a well know secret.

Kids birthday parties are perfect times for adults to add silly just like kids.

Just ask Ash what I did at my 3 year old grandson's party.

I need a supervisor.. Ash wasn't paying attention that day
