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3 Years Old


Could there be a cuter little girl out there?

She had a pink cake, got some dolls, was seriously spoiled by us all, and is playing with her new tea set.

The current odds are about 5-1 that I will survive her becoming a teenager.

I have loads more pics and some movies, I will put them up, but not today. Feel free to bug me about it though if I forget.

As to her mother and her outrageous claims.... All I can say is they are cool pants.


I have a 20 year old daughter.

I hate to say it, but the odds get worse the older she gets.

Mine is 20, and I am still not certain I will survive her becoming an adult :)

Good luck...

My children have been the very greatest source of my joy, but also the very greatest source of my pain.

But I wouldn't miss a minute of it :)

Your little girl adorable. You have all my prayers ... You will need them

AAHAHAHAHA@last line of Gerry's comment. Yup!! Too true too true.

To answer your question: No, there couldn't possibly. My goodness, but she's squishably cute.

Happy (belated) third birthday, Gracie!

And I agree, Rita's pants were cool.

I cannot believe it's been three years already! I remember when you two were states apart from each other!

She sure looks grown up already! Give her a birthday hug for me!

Um, I don't understand the cool pants part.