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July 29, 2007

monkey attacks

I am not a teacher. Isn’t that a good thing. 30 mins working on the alphabet with the twins and I am about to get a cattle prod. Arrgggggg.

I KNOW it is not them, but the 2 sec memory drives me insane. If I hear A,B,Z,T one more time I am going to go mental so it was time to stop class for the day.

God it seems like all my posts are negative lately, don’t know why, the kids are boisterous but they are SOOOOOOOOOO well behaved considering most peoples kids I have nothing at all to complain about. Grace is big time into wandering the house and getting into everything, and the twins are beating the crap out of each other now and then, but that’s normal kid stuff. Seems like every time I post I sound frustrated and things are great here. Its always a challnge mind you, but that’s why we have 6 house monkeys.

Was reading a blog today about someone who lost their nanny, she was hired off by someone they met at the park and blah blah blah.


I read 2 pages snickering to myself, and the anguish of losing the nanny and the kids upset and so on. HAHAHHA. Sorry, but raise em yourself. Of course I say that and right now I would kill for one. Sigh.

Anyways, tired and sun burnt, but life goes on and time to finish dinner. But hey, I posted two days in a row. Badly, but I posted.

July 28, 2007

Busy Busy

So, things have been unreal here for last few weeks.
SHE had vacation for a week so I worked 2X as hard… not sure how that worked out, but it did and no worries. Last weekend we did the Yarmouth Clam fest 2 days and then the Farm day at Shaker Village. Great fun and kids had a blast and we were exhausted. Then a week of things with kids and the Friday I took the day off to and we went to the beach for the day.

And we are mostly all fried. Me, Zach and Alex are pretty toast, Eli has color and the women escaped as always.

Today was another local fest and I am wiped out, but SHE goes back to work. Sucks to have her gone, but getting her into bed before 11 is imposable. It just DOES NOT HAPPEN. And I really need to catch up on the 10 hours or so sleep I am short by the end of the week.

Talking about HER this morning she broke the mixing bowl on my Oster Kitchen Center. The love of my kitchen life. I remember when Mother broke hers when I was young and Dad was pissed for a week over the cost of replacing it. I found em online, 12$, hey I am over it. Let her talk me out of a Stainless Steel one, thinking that might have been mistake to not just get 2, but her birthday is coming (insert evil grin here)

Other news the 12 year old has gotten himself a girl friend. Sigh. And the oldest looks like has one too, again named after one of the dogs. Weird he keeps dating girls with the dog names.

Today’s minor project (major project was not killing any of the monsters) was to put a big fan in the twits room on the 3rd/4th floor. Been getting really hot up there. So I literally covered a window and mounted a box fan in it. That should cool it down.

All the heat in the house works up there so it is understandable warm, but it was in the 120Deg range the other day.. a bit too warm for the twits and Alex to sleep in.

Ok well dinner is done so I am going to post this and feed the horde…

July 24, 2007

See that face?

No. Not the dog. The man child. ~sigh~ Do you see? Do you? Not my baby boy anymore.
17.years.old. Shelley, did you see that? 17.years.old. How? When? Did I blink? Yes, I think I must have. So, 17. I can't wrap my head around that number. My first. Our first actually. Chuck has never had the experience of living with a teen age boy, other than himself. And YOU KNOW he was a pain in the butt, just ask his Mum. =) We have seen him go from quiet, shy to full of attitude and himself. The world revolves around him. At least in his head it does. =) I made so so many mistakes with you baby boy, but you and I grew up together. Can I just say that I hate that you are 17? There, I said it. I hate it. Where is my little boy? The one that would hide behind my legs when meeting someone new, the one that refused to walk because he knew I would carry him where ever he wanted to go? Oh I see you hiding in there, in the man that you are becoming. You aren't perfect, by any means. If you were, you wouldn't be mine, but I love you. We love you. You have had an extremely tough year but here you are. Happy Birthday, Sweetie.

Mom and Dad

July 17, 2007

Lazy summer afternoon

So, it’s a perfect temp out. I am sitting in the yard with kids running amuck all over, but that’s ok.
Every few minutes I have to yell, “stop playing in the water”,” or Chickens are not golf balls”, or my favorite “rolling across a lawn when we have chickens and dogs is a bad plan.”

And Zack just yelled “come and get me you big slimy air bag”, hmm wonder how many things are wrong with that.

Anyways, we are having a nice relaxing time in the back yard and I actually brought the lap top out so I could catch up on all the blogs I never read cause I have been spending all my time outside.

The weather has been great last few days, so this weekend will suck I am sure. Sigh. And I really should go and get some new tires on my van, They only had two and I really need 4 but by now I am sure they have 2 more, But I am being lazy, so I prob wont.

But first I must lecture about tossing sand out of the sandbox and yell get away from the water a few more times.

Sigh, Fun but Sigh.

It sounds dull, but its is dull and fun and the kids are just so happy to be active, so Ill will just yell no now and then and all will be well.

Happiness is......

Finding out after a huge schedule shift at work that instead of only having five days off next week for vacation you actually have nine days starting this Thursday! Can we get a woo hoo. Can't.wait!

July 16, 2007

Summer Day

Today Eli learned the important lesson that when dad says “Please stop that and get away from the pool” when you are bent over the pool filling a water gun… Argueing earns you a swift kick in the butt.

Yes it was priceless, and yea he figured out that it was a bad idea to argue, once he stopped sputtering. Talk about a wet rat….

We had a great afternoon playing in the wading pool, squirting each other and then hot dogs and smores out at the picnic area. I fired up the chimneychonga and we all had fun. I now feel like I ran a marathon but the kids are almost subdued. Almost.

Busy week, and going to get even busyier.

Got told by Zach today this is the best summer ever...


When the hell does school start????? Some one please save me.

July 11, 2007

3 Years Old


Could there be a cuter little girl out there?

She had a pink cake, got some dolls, was seriously spoiled by us all, and is playing with her new tea set.

The current odds are about 5-1 that I will survive her becoming a teenager.

I have loads more pics and some movies, I will put them up, but not today. Feel free to bug me about it though if I forget.

As to her mother and her outrageous claims.... All I can say is they are cool pants.


So, we received Flushed Away through N3tFlix yesterday. Chuck doesn't usually watch the kids movies with us and every time he tries he gets frustrated because the kids won't sit still and shush. Our kids quiet? Yes I know, it's shocking. =)

Anyhow, I got home last night and he was watching it upstairs in our room. While I was getting ready for bed, washing my face, potty break ::TMI::, and what not, this is our conversation:

Him: I really like Rita. She's kind of cute.
Me: Uhm, okay.
Him: AND she is a red head! ::He has this thing for red heads ~shrugs~ No I don't get it either.::::
Me: Well there you go honey!!! Too bad she is claymation. ~chuckles~
He gets quiet for just a second, and then you hear kind of quietly:

"I like her pants"


Help me.

Stay tuned for pictures of a VERY pink cake and VERY pink presents later on! Today is La Princessa Grace's birthday. Three years old already. How in the hell did that happen? Oh and to make Chuck whimper, all you have to say is, "Hey honey, Grace is three!" =)

July 10, 2007



My partner and friend from the UK sent me this for the fourth. I am trying to convince him to take Canada instead.

July 06, 2007


Online Dating

How ironic. Two parents blogging about their family. And we are PG AHAHAHA Hell at least we aren't rated "R"? AHAHAHA.