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Kids and games

Ok so we are evil parents. This is well known ask any of the kids. But we do allow them to play games as long as criteria are met.. you know grades and so forth.

The twins on the other hand well have no homework or chores really so we have set up the xbox in the kitchen for them to play on. And might I ad finding old xbox games that 5 year olds can play is a challenge....
So for those of you keeping track that is 3 games systems in 3 different rooms. Should remove any fighting right?? Oh hell no. But everyone get sa chance to play and if they insist on playing only one system then to bad everyone else gets a turn there too.

But it does add to the humor listening to Eli tell Zach, "you got to have skills to play this" This from the boy who can not read well enough to understand the directions so just hits every button fast.

I am pretty sure I forgot to put up pics of the snow, but I am going to do an album very soon... I promise. Just as soon as I can see the top of my desk, we ( and i mean her) are cleaning the office, just a tad overdue. And before you say anything 70% is mine.

Ok well i need to go play referee cause Zach is getting owned by Eli.