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I am so sad.

I tend to have conversations with myself. Yes, I do it quite a bit. More so in the car.

So, last night JJ went to a school dance
[side note: don't kids dress up for dances any more? I mean seriously. I know it was just a beginning of school dance but come on. Nice clothes? Or maybe I am just weird] Anyhow, he went to a school dance, met his girlfriend there and some friends. Okay fine. Well, I got to be the lucky one to brave the other parents to go and pick up my 13 year old. So I am in the traffic line and there is a C@dillac Esc@lade in front of me. The half truck one, not the SUV thing.


Here is the conversation I had with myself:
Oh for pities sake. If you are going to have a truck by a real freaking truck. A F15O, D0dge R@m, or a Ch3vy Silver@do. Seriously. That is nothing but a status symbol. Idiots. ~silence for a few minutes~ I am jealous because I can't buy one.

Hey at least I admit it. =)


Meh. Looks like a hearse to me.

So what does a 13-year-old boy wear to a not-too-dressy dance these days?

Hi guys! I have a friend who might be traveling to Maine for a rodeo this weekend and we were wondering when peak is for fall leaves up there? Would you mind dropping me an email and letting me know?


If you get an opportunity - and I know you are all very busy - would you take a picture of Maine in the fall and post it on your site? I'd love to see the trees : )


OK, seriously, time for an update here. What's happenin' for Halloween?
Any kids report cards out yet?
What do you think of the King Middle School in Portland giving girls as young as 11 birth control pills?
Just my thoughts, and wishing you all well.