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September 15, 2007

I am so sad.

I tend to have conversations with myself. Yes, I do it quite a bit. More so in the car.

So, last night JJ went to a school dance
[side note: don't kids dress up for dances any more? I mean seriously. I know it was just a beginning of school dance but come on. Nice clothes? Or maybe I am just weird] Anyhow, he went to a school dance, met his girlfriend there and some friends. Okay fine. Well, I got to be the lucky one to brave the other parents to go and pick up my 13 year old. So I am in the traffic line and there is a C@dillac Esc@lade in front of me. The half truck one, not the SUV thing.


Here is the conversation I had with myself:
Oh for pities sake. If you are going to have a truck by a real freaking truck. A F15O, D0dge R@m, or a Ch3vy Silver@do. Seriously. That is nothing but a status symbol. Idiots. ~silence for a few minutes~ I am jealous because I can't buy one.

Hey at least I admit it. =)

September 12, 2007

Ahhh these are the things

That make life worth living. (yes that is sarcasm)

Second day of school: E tripped going up the stairs from recess and gave himself a fat lip.

Monday: Z came home with a cough.

Tuesday: E came home with a cough.


September 06, 2007

I lied

I said I wasn't going to cry on the first day of kindergarden AND I didn't, BUT I did tear up a bit. How in the heck did they get to be five and going to school? Sheesh What are they trying to do break my heart? We won't, and I mean WILL NOT discuss the fact that the oldest is talking about joining the N@vy. WILL.NOT.DISCUSS.IT! ~sigh~

Uh he had his shirt on backwards for the pic, I didn't notice until the bus was coming up the hill. That must have made a great impression on the bus driver while he was flipping his shirt around. What? I hadn't have my coffee yet!

Today I sent him to school with a shirt that said, "Troublemaker is my middle name" because I figure the teacher should know what she is in for, especially with two of them in class. AHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!

Looks innocent doesn't he? Don't let that fool you. I sent him to school with a shirt that says, "Monkey see, Monkey do, Monkey get in trouble too." AHAHAHAAA!! I almost, ALMOST feel sorry for the teacher.

"Uh where does the bus think it is doing without me? Come back! Uh Mom, they left without me." Miss G was NOT pleased that they left without her. She took off down the driveway to my car wanting to go somewhere. Let's say that when she realized she wasn't going anywhere she was very displeased.

I did better today, I didn't do a little dance when the bus left with them on it. AHAHAHA!!! I win! Five down, one to go. =)

September 04, 2007

Praise the diety of your choice

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The gang lined up.

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Don't call them back, are you crazy.. we can escape!!!

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So many apples, so little time.

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Same thing, different twin.

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Running with apples.

School for the oldest starts tomorrow. Rest started today. Twins kindergarten orientation was loads of fun and I am so glad I am not a teacher.

3 hours of almost peace tomorrow... only HRH lft and she still naps.
last night the wife broke out champaign, just now figuring out why...
And if one more persons says "How did you get one so light and one so dark" i swear I am going to start add libbing... Personal favorite right now is "we had just had a burrito in bed and somehow that one came out Hispanic." Yeah i know I am sleeping on the couch for a week for that one but man, like 7 people said it today...