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Nother week

So an other day with the active monsters.

Grace and the twins are absolute bundles of energy lately. Sitting down is NOT an option. From about 6 am till a quick nap at 1, then 2 till bed they do not stop. Has made it very interesting, their worlds grow every day and the twits are SOOOO looking forward to school. Figure SHE will go mental for about a week just before, but other than that it should be fine. The will be starting afternoon first off this year, and switch to mornings 1/2 way through.

Sad but I am looking forward to it now, they both so want to learn and the tag team they have perfected uses up my patients to fast. But I am still trying… Elli is so good at drawing and Zach is so confused by being a lefty trying to be a righty.. His choice, we are letting them do their own thing.

Sad part is the adoptions have still not came through damn it all. The lawyer went away for most of the summer I think and I am pretty pissed. So I guess we are going to have to explain the different names to them at some point. Sigh.

Ok well felt bad about not posting, but really it is her turn.


I remember Lauren possibly adopting Eli...are you adopting some of the others?

God bless those beautiful babies. If I can help to contribute to their education, please let me know (seriously).
One one my selectors just experienced the loss of his son's mother in the crash of two boats on Long Lake in Harrison. What a terrible tragedy.