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Diva in Training

We got a box in the mail today from my parents. ~grin~ And the Diva training begins

Heheh she loves the boa. I wish you could see the whole outfit, little leotard w/skirt, the tulle skirt with rosebuds, AND ballerina slippers. Heh. Too cute if I do say so myself.

Speaking of Diva's, should we discuss Paris? Nah, only thing I can say is that she should serve her full time, just like the rest of us would have to. I mean seriously, anyone else who was having problems adjusting to jail would have been told, "Okay go sit in a corner and chew on your toenails." It's not like her shrink hadn't been there every single day, yeah all three of them sheesh, or her lawyer. Funny I never read about her parents going to see her. Hrm, interesting that. Either way should prove interesting because I am willing to bet that her lawyers aren't done yet.


What a princess. Of course I can't pass judgement. I just bought 15 tiara's for the upcoming Bridesmaid luncheon...

She looks so cute.

Dat's one beautiful little girrrrl child.