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December 24, 2008

And snow it did....

So on the 18th I said we received our first significant snowfall here in Maine. On Friday we got an additional six inches, but then, oh then, on Sunday. Sunday Sunday Sunday. We had a nor’easter blow through and dump 18 inches of snow. Yep, you read that right. 18 inches. I guess it is safe to say that we are having a white Christmas this year.

Speaking of which, can you believe it is already Christmas Eve? Neither can I!! I swear in my head it was just Halloween last week. Yet here we are.

I hope where ever you are, what ever you are doing, you are getting to spend the Holiday with loved ones and friends. I am finding myself doing a lot of self introspection this year. A lot of looking at those around me and seeing how truly lucky I am. At examining my life and seeing room for improvement within myself yet seeing my life and finding that I am so very lucky. Merry Christmas or if you don’t celebrate, have a wonderful Holiday Season.


December 18, 2008

Let it snow...

So yesterday saw our first significant snowfall of the season. We got about three inches of snow. Not bad. It wasn’t too bad to drive in. The kids were excited and Gracie wanted to know if S@nta was going to come. It’s hard explaining to a four year old that he only comes on ONE night not every time it snows. Ugh. She sure is cute though. =)

TK has a snowmobile. Let me say that again, TK has a snowmobile. He calls it a land shark. The sucker is massive. He has had it for who knows how long and it was sitting in a friend’s barn until sometime this past fall when he just HAD to go get it and fix it. So, now it works. Now, I don’t like to be cold. So you can bet your butt I got out as little as possible during the Maine winter. Hello this is why I picked up knitting and now sewing. (side note: Gracie wore a cute pink dress I made for her last night to A and JJ’s Christmas concert and she looked sooo cute!! I done did good!) Anyhow, last week when I got home from work there was enough slushy ice on the ground that TK asked if I wanted to take a ride on the snowmobile. I of course shocked the heck out of him and said yes. I shocked the heck out of myself by saying yes. ~blinks~ I rode on the snowmobile. In fact, I not only rode on it but I love it! It was so fun!! I asked him to not go fast. I should know better. I know. I know I should. And he went fast and……I loved it. Ok I had a death hold on TK. But wow was it fun! We are supposed to get 1-3 inches of snow tomorrow and on Sunday a nice big storm is coming and we are supposed to get around a foot of snow. And funny enough I am a bit excited about it. =) I can’t wait til he let’s me take it out by myself. Heh like that is ever going to happen! =)

December 16, 2008

No Fun

If you haven’t heard, we had a huge ice storm last week. Last Thursday to be precise. We lost power at 4:00 am Friday morning. Which hello, I live with Mr. Grizzly Doomsday Ready for Everything, means I don’t really have to worry about it. We have water under all the sinks in all the bathrooms for flushing toilets, light sticks for all the children to amuse them, plenty of canned goods to cook on the wood stove, and a generator. Now, on a side note, when we first got the generator I giggled quietly to myself thinking why on earth would we ever need one? Oh we need one. Ohhh we live in Maine so oh yeah baby we need one. Since we have gotten it a little over two years ago we have had to use it three times for outages lasting over 24 hours. And honestly? It’s awesome. TK knows how to use that sucker. He will get it going so it does the tv, the refrigerator and lights in the living room, kitchen and dining room. Then he can switch some doohickeys and get the well going so we can flush toilets and take baths. I would much rather have to deal with that inconvenience rather then have to do it all by candle light. Heat for us isn’t a problem because we have a wood stove. And if worse came to worse and it was so cold we could just all sleep downstairs where it is. But wow not having electricity stinks. I am so used to just walking into a room and flipping a switch. It sucks when you can’t. We didn’t go without for long. We got it back on Saturday morning. There are people here in Maine that still haven’t gotten it back on. Ugh. What is interesting though is that we didn’t get our cable/internet/phone back on until eight thirty this morning. We have TW for that, and it’s a package deal so if one goes out they all go out. Holy smokes you would have thought the kids were dying. Especially the older ones. You can distract the nine and under crowd with play dough, coloring, and craftsy stuff. Over that age and you would think we had cut a limb off because they hadn’t been able to play XB0X since last Thursday. Seriously, the whining!! Heck the little bits were happy to watch, W@ll-E for the 12 time. But the big ones? If I have to hear, “I AM SO BORED!!!” one more time I am going to staple a book to their face! Twerps. TK seems to be in his element when things like this happen, and me? I just go with the flow. As long as we have the generator and I can take baths and go to the bathroom. A girl has to have her priorities dontcha know. =)

I have so much fun watching the survival shows. You know the ones, where they drop off some dude in the middle of nowhere and he has to survive long enough to get rescued. TK can do that stuff hands down. In fact he is the type that might like it so much he wouldn’t want to be rescued. I love hearing him say, “That is NOT the way to use the flint you moron!” or “Use your damn knife, kill the snake and have dinner!”. I know that if we ever got lost in the woods, I would be just fine. I ask him all the time, “Gee Honey what would you do if we got lost taking a hike?” His reply, “I wouldn’t be an idiot and forget my damn compass, my knife or my damn lighter.” Heh.

December 01, 2008


I start to post on this thing I think to myself, "My gawd, the dead has arisen". Why yes I do think I am very funny thankyouverymuch. =)

So, how was your Thanksgiving? How are you doing? Oh just tell me every lil old thang. =)

Our Thanksgiving was fantastic. May I just brag that I got out of having to cook one single thing? How do you ask? Why I had to work 8-4 that day. This being a supervisor thing can suck sometimes. =) I walked into the table being set and the turkey being pulled out of the oven. The cranberry sauce was delish. So, for dessert we of course had what just about everyone else was having. Pumpkin pie. First word out of my mouth? "Wow Honey, it's a bit sweet huh?" I got poo poohed and told it was fine. The next day he realizes that when he thought he was putting in a cup and a half of sugar he was actually putting in three cups. Yah, just a bit sweet. It was good anyway. Anytime you don't have to cook it is awesome. =)

I even went out the next morning for ohmygawd wtf time is it and why the hell am I out shopping. It was fun and I got the one big thing the big kids are getting. I do have to say that I was a wee bit disappointed. The sales weren't as good as I was expecting. And I wasn't expecting everything for free either. It was just 'eh. But I did get some good stuff. It was actually fun. This is the second year I have done it and honestly, it's fun. So what if I get a little twitchy by noon because of lack of sleep. SO!?!? =)

And so the Christmas season has begun. How did that happen? Seriously, how? I was talking with the 18 year old this morning and we were talking about how he is graduating this year and that he will be 19 in July. Why yes I did run into a tree why do you ask? Sheesh how did I get to be so old? ~sigh~ Don't answer that. Did I mention the M@rines are calling my house? Trying to get him to join up. It's great, the SSGT can hear me screaming in the background, "TELL HIM YOU CAN'T WALK UP A FLIGHT OF STAIRS WITHOUT LOSING YOUR BREATH!! DID YOU TELL HIM ABOUT YOUR ASTHMA AND HEART MURMUR?" It's been really interesting. Damnit.

So, how are you?